Tamara and Carolyn

Me Challenge – Day 6


Before I make my entries I would like to share a link with you about the importance of self care https://plusguidance.com/blog/importance-of-self-care/  Please read this ladies blog on self care, you will only benefit!

When I was married, Everything I did was “for my family” I went without, I made all the sacrifices, I worked for my husband even though I didn’t want to and knew it was a mistake, I did, I did, I did.  Through all of the I did’s and I do’s I lost myself and created a world of no hope and a world where I was destined to be a “loser” a “failure” and what do you know… the world just kept handing me more reinforcements of this terrible life and feeling.  Your life truly is a reflection of what you feel about yourself, a 10 year lesson for me and still learning.  We kept fighting about money, kids, life choices, begging for some recognition and appreciation for all that I do and for just being me, you know having a partner in life.  It’s like a faint light was still inside, I knew there was something about me that was worthy of something!  But the reality is I had nothing for myself, I only felt lonely, unworthy, stuck and stupid, oh and can’t forget fat, yes I felt fat!  Crazy the amount of weight we give our body image.  So then you could say my marriage became a score card, yes I kept score, I wanted ammo when we fought, I wanted to prove how much I do, so he could start to love and appreciate me, you know like even up the score!  Do you know what this did?  It put us on opposite sides, created more hurt and once again reinforced my feeling of how pathetic my life and I am.  I became a professional victim, I was the abused one, just Google living with a narcissist and that was me, Google how to tell when your in an emotionally abusive relationship, I hit every sign.  So what did this mean?

I will fill you in tomorrow!

I am at work and we just hired a new member!  She’s just arrived so I must go back to work!

but I can’t forget about the challenge so here it is.

5 things to be grateful for:

  • My amazing life
  • my 2 girls
  • my mom
  • my friends
  • my healthy genes

5 I AM’S

  • I am beautiful
  • I am thin
  • I am full of energy
  • I am Lucky
  • I am mysterious (I like this one)
Tamara and Carolyn

Me Challenge – Day 5

5 things to be grateful for:

  • my life
  • my family and friends
  • my health
  • my mind
  • the fact that I live in Canada

5 I AM’S

  • I am beautiful
  • I am thin
  • I am lucky
  • I am kind
  • I am generous

Well I am staying loyal to this challenge thus far, do any of you suffer from procrastination?  I definitely do!  So I was at a show today in Cambridge and did not have time to do this this morning but I am making the time now as I know how important this is!

Hope you all are keeping up with this!


Tamara and Carolyn

Me Challenge – Day 4

5 things to be grateful for

  • my life
  • my family and friends
  • my home
  • my health
  • endless opportunities

5 I Am’s

  • I am beautiful
  • I am lucky
  • I am thin (I am fakin’ it til’ I make it)
  • I am a survivor
  • I am happy

Today’s entry will be short and sweet, I am quite busy with party planning!!  Love this time of year for all the get togethers and sharing.  Have a great weekend and keep up the great work on staying with the challenge.  Next one is going to be even harder!  At least for me!


Tamara and Carolyn

Me Challenge – Day 3

Day 3

5 things to be grateful for:

  • to be alive
  • my family and friends
  • to have such awesome co-workers
  • to have opportunities
  • to live without fear of starvation

5 things I AM

  • I am lucky
  • I am worthy
  • I am enough
  • I am beautiful
  • I am honest

I left asking a question yesterday, and that is what do you admire in others?  I now have another question for you, are any of the qualities you admire in others on your I Am list?  Because we have the power to be what we admire in others.  Like anything in life its a practice and a training.  Before we do anything we must first choose to.

Have a great day!

Stay positive and stay you 🙂



Tamara and Carolyn

Me Challenge – Day 2

8d0a1527e9169dd28417b03abfc93867--benefits-of-almonds-prevent-hair-loss primrose oils meadowfoam

Here are some quick facts about essential oils for skin.  These particular oils can be found in our serums and remember ours are organic!

But as promised to you and myself, a gratitude and I am entry – Day 2


5 things to be grateful for:

  • my life
  • my family and friends
  • how lucky I am to be healthy
  • the power to make change
  • to live in Canada

5 nice things about myself starting with I AM

  • I am lucky
  • I am beautiful
  • I am healthy
  • I am clever
  • I am happy

*Remember “fake it til’ you make it” if you have to!  I won’t deny I do on some level myself.

As I have written before I struggle with my weight and body image – am I getting better sure, but I am not 100% ok or confident.  I can say that I am confident in who I am, like I really feel that I am a good hearted and generous person.  I feel confident in saying I like me.  I want you to feel good about you in every way.  It is an extremely rewarding feeling to see people standing for themselves, having faith and confidence in themselves and liking themselves.  I am sure you agree.

I have a plan to start a weight loss journal in the New Year and if any of you jump on ship with me the support would be fantastic!  Lord knows I will need it!  If you have been reading any of these entries you’ll see that I’ve had this plan before, I know I am not as disciplined as I would like to be either, but hey I am aware and will always be a work in progress.

I want to thank you in advance for reading and joining me, believe it or not knowing I am accountable to someone who is on the same train as I helps me more than can write!

I am going to leave you with a question.

What qualities do you admire in people?

Write them down in your journals and we will share some information on this tomorrow.

Until then have a fantastic day and remember Self Love = Love for All



Tamara and Carolyn

Challenge – Day 1


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Here is a little information on the uses of stones.  Now that we carry bracelets with a variety of different stones we thought we should share some of the properties.  Knowing the stones will help in deciding the oil that best compliments!  I won’t deny that I too am learning as we go on these things but I do believe in them.  These are ancient old practices that are finding there way back to us.  Before medicines and synthetic versions of treatments this is what was used.  Funny how history truly repeats itself.

I will be adding more information regularly!

I want to put out a challenge to anyone who dares.  Lets start a gratitude and self-love  journal.  Everyday we will enter 5 things we are grateful for and 5 nice things about ourselves starting with I AM.  You have all heard about the power of I AM.  If you haven’t I strongly suggest you use the link provided and watch this one hour sermon.  Whether you are a believer of God or not the teaches apply to everyone of any religion or belief. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_kjSK-PcU9o This was featured on Oprah!

So I am going to start my journal right here with you!

I am grateful for:

  • my family and friends
  • my life
  • my health
  • my opportunities
  • my ability to change

Self -Love

  • I am a beautiful person
  • I am a generous
  • I am a positive
  • I am a healthy
  • I am a determined

If you are struggling to say nice things about yourself than you need to do this more than anyone!  Ever hear of the saying “fake it til’ you make it”, well then this applies.  You can retrain your own beliefs of yourself just doing this.

Signing off

Me (Tamara)

Tamara and Carolyn

About time!

Hello everyone!

So it has been way to long since I’ve posted anything.  Writing is not so easy and just how personal should I go?  Who is actually reading these posts?  So many questions I ask myself when writing these.

So I thought for a now I would just write about how very passionate I am to be adding products to our inspirational line!  Why? Well I am in love with personal growth, aha moments and anything that helps to promote personal growth and awareness.  I want to share this stuff  with the world!

Patience has never been a very strong characteristic of mine, (I am totally aware :)) however, I just can’t wait to get our foundation launched, I so desperately want to help and do for so many.  Nothing feels better than helping others help themselves.  I can however say it is extremely rewarding to get emails and comments from customers that they are understanding how incredibly important it is to take care of themselves and how they’re lives have changed.  Yay to those ladies :).  I say it is you who keeps me growing and improving so I thank you too!

Well I am signing off for today, I will be back tomorrow !

Have a fantastically wonderful day


Tamara and Carolyn

Our Mission

Hi everyone!

We are at the Western Fair and it has been a lot of fun.  Can’t deny we are a wee bit tired as we just finished The Ex, but my co-worker Chelsey and I are troopers and love meeting new people.  Sharing information on our products and making people smile and feel good about what they bought is the best feeling ever.

We want to leave everyone with a feeling of being informed and truly understanding what they have purchased and the difference it will make in their lives.  Which brings me to our ultimate goal, starting a foundation to help people/women take back their life, grab the world and make it theirs again.  We want to donate 1% of all purchases to start setting up safe houses locally, nationally, and globally.  These safe houses will be a place of resource, education and love.  We currently support shelters and various charities when and where we can, but we want to do more.  Empowering all to do for themselves, love themselves enough to know that they are worth investing in.  Everything in life starts and ends with you.

We believe all people genuinely want to help/give and now by taking care of you, you can.  Anytime you shop at The Me Store and share your experience, you are supporting our ultimate goal/mission and of course, you’re getting quality with every purchase :).


Aren’t we cute! 🙂 lol

Signing off…


Tamara and Carolyn

happy happy….

Hi there!

So we are still at The Ex (CNE) in Toronto!  It is coming to an end :(.  Although I can’t deny I am looking forward to going home!  Miss my family.

My co-worker/sales and promoter, Chelsey Ball, is also looking forward to seeing her newlywed husband, but she is a trooper because she is a true member of The Me Store team.

Our whole team wants to thank everyone who stopped in to see us at The Ex and to all of those who have ordered online, good for you – taking care of yourself, we LOVE it 🙂

As for the headline of this post, I am soo happy because I have managed to lose some weight!!!  Woot woot!

Weight is a huge struggle for me, why? Because I eat my feelings.  I am sure many of you can relate. But I have been consistent in drinking my tea, and eating a nutritious breakfast.  And that’s a whole other battle – committing.  I am good for a while then I fall and when I fall its not for that moment or day its for weeks and even months before I jump back on.  It’s like I give up on myself.  As I’ve said before “A work in progress” and that I am.  But hey, I am in love with my progression.  The more I see others loving, validating, and really taking care of themselves mind, body and soul, the stronger the love grows in me.

Have a fantastic day and remember self love + love for all


Tamara and Carolyn


Hello everyone!

We are still at The Ex in Toronto Ontario and it is going great!  People are amazing and I am loving the energy here.

I decided while I was here I was going to get on board with my relationship between myself and my body, not so easy while being surrounded by all of the best comfort food there is!!  Yes I am still lacking the worth and motivation to get my physical body in the shape I am at mentally – always a work in progress, we all are.  I will get there!

Wish I could share more with you all, but I have to get mingling with everyone here.

Have a great day, stay grateful and most importantly love yourself – you are amazingly beautiful 🙂
